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Hi Anastassia -

Yes, you can adjust your program selection as needed. So if you pick the 1st 2 weeks and end up wanting to extend to 4 weeks, you can do that or if you need to switch to the 2nd 2 weeks due to your schedule, you can certainly make that change as well. We understand that summer schedules may not be totally clear far in advance, if you are accepted to the Summer Intensive, we will work with you to adjust your schedule if you need to change or extend it.

Just something to keep in mind about the two week sessions as you’re deciding on dates. We do find most students get the most out of the 4 week program, but certainly understand that students have busy summer schedules, so we do have many who come for 2 weeks instead. Those who come for the first two weeks have the benefit of starting together with everyone else but sometimes can feel like they are just getting started by the time the two weeks are over. Those who come to the 2nd two weeks can feel like they are jumping in head first and playing catch up initially, but usually settle in after a few days. The other thing to consider is that the agent and casting director usually come the second two weeks, just to give the students time to prepare. We also see a Broadway show with the students and while we try to put that during Week 2 so first 2 weeks students are able to attend, sometimes we are restricted by ticket availability on that, so that’s not guaranteed.

I hope this helps!